Friday 3 May 2019

Interview with Sally Lloyd-Jones (Jesus StoryBook Bible Author)

Over the years, The Jesus Story Book Bible has been read many times in our house. It has helped my children to have a better grasp of God’s word; understanding that God’s unbreakable, never stopping, never giving up love for them is forever. It has helped them see where they fit into God’s story, rather than where God fits into their story. It has encouraged them, by explaining that Jesus is on a rescue mission to save everyone who will respond to His offer of love, and it has made them see that every story in the Bible points to Jesus. It has also been one of the tools which has helped lead some of my children to have a personal relationship with Jesus.

And as a mother, just for me, The Jesus Storybook has blessed me greatly. The early years of motherhood are just exhausting, and sometimes reading the Bible feels hard. There have been many times, when reading the JSBB to my own kids, that I have been touched by God’s message of love for me. When I haven’t had much in the tank, when I haven’t had anything else to give out, I have felt joy and peace that I am part of God’s story, rather than trying to fit Him into mine.

Recently, I have set myself the challenge of recreating the stories as edible ones. Some have been hilarious, and some have turned out quite nicely, with a couple made by a much more creative friend. I want to keep engaging my children in God’s word, so food seemed the next natural choice.

I recently interviewed Sally Lloyd-Jones the author of The Jesus Storybook Bible, about the book itself. Please have a read….

I'd love to know when and how you became a Christian?
When I was four; my dad shared the story with me.

How did you come to write The Jesus Storybook Bible?
I wanted children to know what I didn’t know as a child - that the Bible isn’t a book of rules I’m supposed to be keeping, in order for God to love me. I knew I wasn’t keeping those rules so I had this idea that God wasn’t very pleased with me. I want children to know that the Bible isn’t mainly about them and what they’re supposed to be doing. It’s about God and what He has done. It’s the story of how God loves his children and comes to rescue them.

Did you know it would be such a big hit?
None of us knew it would be the hit that it is. I am so grateful. I’m also very clear who the author of the book’s success is.

How many copies have been sold, and in how many languages?
3 million copies, and in 46 languages.

What’s the newest language?
It’s just out in Arabic and Icelandic—and Khmer is just about to be translated.

Why do you think it has been such a such a success,
(apart from of course, that "all scripture is God-breathed". 2Tim3v16)
I wonder if part of the reason is that it’s written in the lyrical language of a father’s love for His children, and we are all children of God. It breaks through the walls we as adults have up, and ambushes us. Also it captures in one sitting, the entire plot line of the Bible.

How did you get it from Bible to Storybook in such a beautiful way?
You have to do the hard work of understanding the theology so you can make it simple, distil it. Also you have to always write what is true. Another thing, if you have a choice choose what moves you. The story had to move me first before I could write it in a way that would move the reader. “No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader.” (Robert Frost)

Do you have a favourite story from The Jesus Storybook Bible?

When you ask children to choose their favourites, they say they’re all their favourites, so I’m going with that. But when I read to children and ask them if they have any requests, they often choose ‘The day the sun couldn’t shine: the story of the crucifixion’. Children know what they’re talking about. They cut to the chase. They know that’s the crux of the matter; the heart of the whole story. We have so much to learn from children!

And for my own ego, which edible story from my Instagram account did you enjoy the most?
THE CRICKETS! Haha! That was one of your best I have to say!!!

You’re best known for creating The Jesus Storybook Bible, do you ever get fed up of that?
No I’m so grateful. It’s a huge honor and blessing. At the same time, I also want people to know about my other books, because they are filled with His love too. And children need all kinds of stories. Because stories are powerful.

What are you currently working on?
A picture book, a devotional, and a novel for middle graders.

What blessings have come your way, as a result of writing?
Too many to say, but one of the blessings is meeting children. And also adults, as I travel all over the world to speak about the power of story and the dignity of children.

You went to the States for a year, and you’re still there, many tears later. Do you think you'll stay in the States forever?
I don’t know the answer to that question. I’m here as long as God has me here.

Do you miss anything about England?
Lots of things; family, friends, the countryside, London, the tea, the walks, the footpaths, English country gardens, and the National Trust properties. I do get back there a lot.

Do you have any advice for writers?
Three quick things; Write the story that only you can write. Read BIRD BY BIRD by Anne Lamott. And if you’re really serious about writing for children, learn the business and one of the best ways to do that is to join

And any advice for knackered mums?
Show up. Even if it’s for 5 minutes a day. Keep showing up.