Tuesday 1 February 2011

Eating little and often...

So we steal a lot of parenting tips from others who have gone before us. It's easier than coming up with our own ideas, and if it works for others, it may just work for me. If it doesn't work after I've tried it, I can tweak it or reject it. I like parents who are real about stuff, not pretending all is wonderful all the time, cos we all know it's not.

I read PJ Smyth's blog on parenting today. (GodFirst Blog) The part I read was about having family devotion times. PJ said he reads a story or a verse to his kids, and then asks them what bit they liked best? What they can learn from it? What does it mean for them? And the whole thing takes about 5 minutes. 
5 MINUTES!! Well, that's do-able. Then they pray... please prayers, thank you prayers, 'person next to you prayers' or popcorn prayers.

I felt so encouraged and inspired by it, and not just the inspiration which makes you feel good but inspiration you actually act on. It reminded me of something I had read once in "Barefoot in the kitchen" by Alie Stibbe. She talks about meditating on God's word all day long. She says that often we fast because we can't feast. I totally do that. I sometimes haven't got time to sit down and spend time properly in God's word, so I don't do it at all. I fast because I can't feast...but Alie's encouragement to us is that "eating little and often can be good for you". I always knew snacking was a good thing!

  "Oh, how I love your law!
   I meditate on it all day long.
 Your commands are always with me
   and make me wiser than my enemies.
 I have more insight than all my teachers,
   for I meditate on your statutes.
 I have more understanding than the elders,
   for I obey your precepts.
 I have kept my feet from every evil path
   so that I might obey your word.
 I have not departed from your laws,
   for you yourself have taught me.
 How sweet are your words to my taste,
   sweeter than honey to my mouth!
 I gain understanding from your precepts;
   therefore I hate every wrong path."
  Psalm 119v97-104

1 comment:

  1. I remember John and Liz Wilthew sharing how they prayed for five mins every morning for their kids/family when John brought Liz her early morning cup of tea. Like you, we thought - "that's do-able!" and we did it for years (must reinstate it soon ; )
