Thursday 19 May 2011

Out of the mouths of babes

A wise old elder (not sure he'll enjoy being referred to as that) told me yesterday to look for what God may be saying to me, through what my children are saying and doing sometimes. So taken to the extreme, this of course could be quite amusing. I don't think God is telling me to believe in dragons. Neither is He pointing out to me that there is some great spiritual message in the building of a Lego spaceship. I don't think that God is saying He wants me to talk like Yoda. I also don't think He is telling me to use my 'spiritual scooter' today, or eat yoghurt with my hands or throw expensive things in the bin.

But what He may well be saying to me is to follow the example of my three year old, which is humbling. Today I heard him downstairs, building with Duplo while singing "Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, let the sea(!) hear His voice...Come to the Father, through Jesus the Son" over and over again. He then came upstairs to me, where I told him that I had loved hearing his singing to Jesus. He asked me if he could help me to put the washing away, which he proceeded to do. Later when his dad was explaining to him, that God loves that he was serving his mummy. He replied "God loves me so much. He loves me when I'm good, He loves me when I'm naughty, He loves me all the time. I want to give Him all my money".

Wow, humbling indeed. So in short, through watching my son today and learning from his example, I am to;

Build whilst worshipping.
Worship before serving.
Know what God's love and grace looks like.
And give all I've got to Him.

Amen to that!

  "At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying,
 "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?"
 And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said,
 "Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children,
 you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."
                                                                                         Matthew 18v1-4


  1. I do love you and your boys!!! They are Amazing, funny, cute, cuddly (especially one), adventurous, brave, crazy, kind, clever, loving, forgiving, great friends, sweet natured, obedient, servant hearted...I know they are going to be wonderful adults one they have you and the hubby, shining Jesus and his incredible example to them every day...keep going in the hard things, on the hard days, you inspire me so much!!! :-)

  2. Thanks Ruth. Thankfully you know them, so you see their wonderful and also hard going moments! Praise God for His willingness to carry them for me!
