He then suggested that under a heading or two, or even all of them, I could write one action, or thought or truth or Bible verse or prayer... to kick off some action. And this is what I have done. I spent quite some time glueing little labels into notebooks, and made two for friends at the same time, who I felt could do with the encouragement. (Totally procrastinating on actually writing anything under any headings of course, but also knowing that one of the headings for me, would be CREATIVITY, so actually I was already being creative. Ha!)
My headings are; God Time, Me Time, Marriage, Kids, House, Creativity, Friends, Writing, Encouragement, Serving, People, Church, Self Care, Job, with three labels left blank, in case I feel inspired at some later date.
My aim is to keep the notebook in my bag, so that if ever I think of something to do with any of the headings, I can make a note of it, which hopefully will result in me praying about it or doing something practical about it. I went for an easy win to start with. I do want to express love individually to my kids more, so as small a gesture as it is, I simply bought them food they would like.
One of mine always mentions the front of cereal packets; cereal is apparently meant to be accompanied by strawberries and blueberries. (Not sure who actually does that every day). One of mine is always blessed by non-sandwiches, so a wrap with trimmings is a win. A bigger packet of crisps, than all your siblings get, was a triumphant moment for one. For the one with a cold, those 'nice to your nose' tissues, with add-ons to only his packed lunch for a week. For one a hidden pink donut, and for one a simple Turkish Delight that he had tried at a friend's house. (Apparently this one was actually gross and he meant something else).
I needed it to be a small start, rather than a To Do list to be guilted by. Just spending a couple of minutes thinking what specific food to get them, nudged me to what specific things they need prayer for. I guess you could call it Food for Thought. Often I don't pray enough for my kids, or I lump them together as one entity. But individually, they have specific needs and wants, specific tastes and likes, specific things which they need God's wisdom on, His comfort for, His guidance in, as well as individual gifting which I need to ask God to flourish more in their lives. Maybe they should have a page each in my notebook. It says in the Bible, that God has a vast sum of thoughts about us. Vast; Boundless, Immeasurable, Limitless, Infinite, Colossal, Endless... I wonder what He would write in His notebook under my name.
"How Precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand...." Psalm 139v17-18